California-06212 - Inside San Francisco City Hall
Dennis Jarvis
Cypress Tree Avenue at KPH, Point Reyes
Frank Schulenburg
Marc Cooper
Mormon Temple (LDS) - San Diego
Chad McDonald
La Jolla Beach
Chad McDonald
Emerald Bay
Super Dume - Little Point Dume, Malibu Ca
I love the moon, ok, there I’ve said it. I watch the moon like most people watch network television. Mapping locations out, planning for and generally doing my best to predict full moonset and moonrise locations is a happy way of life for me. It’s a personal goal of mine to capture a full 400mm moonrise and moonset in all of my favorite locations around southern California. Couple that with my ever learning ability to forecast colored skies and who knows, if this photograph thing doesn’t work out, you just might see me as the next KTLA weather man. I’m kidding of course. It’s moonbeams or bust. So, without further ado… I present “Super Dume” the super moonrise of 2012 as it crept over the rocky cliffs of Little Point Dume at sunset. I pleasantly stalked this moonrise for months and I even missed an opportunity or two in the years past for various foggy reasons, but n 2012, things worked out and I lay in waiting under a clear blue warm spring sky hoping for the best. You only have a small window of opportunity for capturing the exposure of a glowing full moonrise in a single snap. That special moment when the brightening moon and darkening surrounding sky meet in a tonal range capable of being recorded with your cameras hardly adequate dynamic light range sensor. Woe...
Fog Ocean Sunset
Mike Behnken
Sand Box
Marc Cooper
image continune
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